Billing Questions, Payments, Disputes.

Payment Disclaimer and Terms:

Customer payment is due on or before the bill due date provided on the Invoice Summary page of the bill. If the total amount is not paid by the due date, the account is considered past due. Failure to pay a past due amount will result in finance charges and may result in suspension of service.

If you have question or concerns about your statement, please contact the billing inquiry department at CallTower must be informed within 180 days of the statement date of any disputed charges. The written explanation of the dispute must include the following information:

  • Account Name and Number
  • Date of Statement
  • Amount of Disputed Charge
  • Reason charges are being disputed.

Upon our receipt of such notification and written explanation, we will begin investigating the reason the charges are being disputed. Any undisputed charges must be paid by the due date. Failure to pay undisputed charges will result in finance charges and may result in suspension of service.