Client Support Plan.




This document outlines the CallTower Client Services Support (CSS) Plan, specifying how to contact CSS, and the case management process used to provide the highest quality support for all CallTower services.

Client Services Support Contact Information

Customer Support Portal – 24x7x365

All customers have access to the CallTower Customer Support Portal to open, review and communicate on support cases. Please follow the link to login to the portal If you have trouble logging into the support portal, please contact CSS via phone.

The Customer Support Portal provides access to view all open and closed support cases attached to your account. Clients may also open new support cases and comment on cases in progress. Please be advised all cases opened via the Customer Support Portal open with a Priority 4 until they are reviewed and appropriately dispositioned. If an issue is urgent, please contact CallTower CSS via Chat or Phone.


CallTower Solutions Center – Located in the CallTower Customer Support Portal is a knowledge base with articles for self-help and self-administration. Articles are continually being added and updated to provide customers with on-demand information regarding common issues. 

Email – 24x7x365 

An email to Support will automatically generate a case and be assigned to a technician. Please be advised all cases opened via email open with a Priority 4 until they are reviewed and appropriately dispositioned. If an issue is urgent, please contact CallTower Support via Chat or Phone. 

Chat – M-F 5 AM to 12 AM MT, S/Su 8 AM to 5 PM 

CallTower Chat is available on our website at Chat is a recommended method to open high priority support cases in addition to other standard priority issues. Live technicians are available to immediately work and escalate issues for quicker resolution.

Phone Support 

Phone Support will connect clients to a Customer Service Representative to assist with opening a support case and then connecting clients to the appropriate specialist to work the request. Phone Support is another recommended method to open high priority cases.

Main Points of Contact (MPOCs)

The customer will designate main points of contact (MPOCs) who are authorized to initiate support tickets with CallTower CSS. All end user issues or service requests will be reported first to the customer MPOCs, who will then submit support tickets with CSS after basic first level vetting/filtering as appropriate. Customers are to provide CallTower with a list of MPOCs by name, title, and current contact information (phone and email).  An account for support portal access will be provided to all identified Technical MPOCs.

If there are multiple MPOCs, please designate which is primary and which is/are secondary, contact(s) for master cases, and contact(s) for maintenance notification. The customer will also provide CallTower CSS with their internal ‘escalation list’ containing escalation points of contact within the customer organization for CallTower to use in the event it requires higher level support/interaction pertaining to a support issue.

Reasons that all issues should be reported through customer designated MPOCs:

  • Ensures that support ticket requests have the proper authority to be acted on
  • Provides the customer with necessary insight into end-user issues and service usage
  • Builds increasing internal knowledge for the customer on the CallTower solution for all types of support tickets which promotes greater self-sufficiency and increased communication effectiveness with CallTower
  • Facilitates a consistent internal issue reporting process and set of contacts for end-users, reducing confusion and frustration associated with reporting issues
  • Provides an appropriate vetting/filtering mechanism for CallTower CSS to help ensure that the customer’s designated CallTower support team is able to focus on and provide the quickest turnaround on real service issues (vs. perceived issues, basic training issues, customer-internal networking issues, or non-issues)

Technical Support Case Prioritization and Management


Priority LevelDefinitionExampleInitial ResponseUpdate Frequency
Priority 1Total impairment of critical services affecting an entire siteCircuit is down resulting in loss of service15 minHourly/As Requested
Priority 2Partial/intermittent impairment of critical services affecting multiple usersIntermittent drop while transferring calls30 min2 hours
Priority 3Impairment of non-critical services for multiple users of total impairment of services for a single userJabber presence not showing correctly for multiple users/phone not registering for a single user4 hours1 Business Day
Priority 4Impairment of non-critical services for a single userMessage Waiting Light not functioning for a single user1 Business Day2 Business Days

* Case response times and update frequency may differ if a case is opened with a vendor such as Five9, XO, Level (3), etc.  Vendor support response times and update frequency can be provided upon request.

Ticket Status Definitions

New Case – The case has not yet been picked up or worked on by an agent 

In-Progress – An agent is actively working on the ticket 

Duplicate – There are multiple cases for the same issue, this case was closed and another is referenced as the main case for this issue to prevent duplication of effort 

On Hold – The case is still open but is on hold until a designated time 

Shipping – Hardware is in transit to the customer 

Resolved Follow-up Required – The work on the case is completed, case is pending confirmation from customer that the issue is completed 

Customer Re-opened – The case was closed, however, the customer has replied to an email related to the case or requested the case be re-opened  

Closed No Response – Aging cases with no response from the customer will be closed 

Closed – The agent has completed all of the work for the ticket and has tested the implementation 

Case Management 

CallTower CSS will manage cases in accordance with the above guidelines unless an alternative agreement is requested by the customer. If the status of a case is not anticipated to change and providing the same information will delay work on the issue, then CallTower CSS will provide an estimated time of resolution (ETR) rather than providing scheduled updates. Customers may request a case be reopened if the original issue is not resolved to their satisfaction. Cases may be reopened through phone or chat or through responding to an email related to the case. Cases may be reopened within seven calendar days of their closed date. If seven calendar days have passed, a new case will be generated and related to the original case.  If a customer fails to respond to an active case after two business days of attempted communication, a technician will notify the customer the case is being “Closed No Response”. When the customer is ready to resume work on the case, a new case will be opened and related to the original case.  

Master Case Prioritization and Management 

In the event CallTower CSS determines a single issue is affecting multiple organizations a Master Case will be created, and prioritized as a Priority 1G (Global). P1G cases received immediate and continuous attention, communication updates are provided on an hourly basis. Communication will be posted on CallTower’s Network Status Page Customers may subscribe on a single issue or for all updates regarding a specific platform. Only CallTower CSS can designate a case as a P1G.

Customer Escalation  

Customers are encouraged to escalate any issue they believe is not being handled appropriately to Client Services Support Management. Below is the CallTower CSS Management escalation path:

1st Level

CallTower Support

Support Portal:  Login | Support

US/CA: + 1 (800) 347-5444
UK: + 44 28 7114 1664
AUS: + 61 2 7912 4099

2nd Level

CT Cloud Support Manager – Matt Lym

Office: (801) 938-1377
Mobile: (385) 715-3119

Cisco Support Manager – Jordan Farnsworth

Office: (415) 869-8951
Mobile: (801) 508-5665

Microsoft Support Manager – Dylan Lewis

Office: (801) 934-3734
Mobile: (801) 508-5674

On Call Manager 

Office: (801) 508-5670
(M-F 5pm to 8am, S-S)

Legacy OneStream Networks – NOC Manager – Brian Simpson

Office: (585) 563-1858
Mobile: (801) 508-5680

3rd Level

VP of Client Support – Jim Manetta 

Office: (585) 563-1868
Mobile: (585) 797-3021

4th Level

CEO CallTower – Bret England  

Office: (415) 869-8922
Mobile: (408) 893-9070

Move/Add/Change/Delete (MACD) Case Prioritization and Management


CallTower continues to encourage the use of self-administration (i.e., self-provisioning) by organization administrators and MPOCs. We are able to assist you at any time with self-administration of your organization using the Client Provisioning system. Helpful instructions on how to manage/self-administer MACD requests can be found in our  CallTower Solutions Center in the CallTower Customer Support Portal 

There are many tasks that can be taken care of quickly and efficiently by customers on their own without having to contact or wait on CallTower CSS – a few of which include: 

  • Password resets 
  • User creation and deletion 
  • Updating of user information 
  • Phone creation and deletion 

Customers requesting CallTower CSS to complete requests are subject to a provisioning fee billed at $100/hr. in 15 minute increments for the time required to complete the change.



Priority LevelInitial ResponseUpdate Frequency
Standard1 Business DayTypically, changes are completed within two business days. Customers will be notified if additional time will be required due to carrier/vendor response times.
Expedited (additional fee applies)4 HoursTypically, changes are completed within one business day. Customers will be notified if additional time will be required due to carrier/vendor response times. CallTower will expedite all carrier/vendor requests when possible.


MACD requests outside of extended business hours (M-F, 7 AM MT to 7 PM MT) will be addressed the following business day. Urgent requests outside of extended business hours are considered Expedited and will be addressed by CallTower CSS 24×7 Tech Support Team. CallTower CSS will utilize the same case status definitions as technical support cases. Cases are available to be viewed in the Customer Support Portal to see real-time updates and progress on requests. As many MACD requests may result in a licensing/usage change, CallTower will only work MACD requests with approval from identified MPOCs.  

Maintenance Windows 

CallTower’s technical personnel perform routine maintenance on CallTower backend systems to ensure the highest level of performance and reliability. The CallTower Client Support Plan defines two types of system maintenance: Monthly Scheduled Maintenance and Unscheduled Maintenance. Each maintenance type is defined as follows: 

Monthly Scheduled Maintenance 

CallTower performs proactive, routine maintenance each month to ensure the highest level of uptime and performance for CallTower customers. Tasks performed during monthly scheduled maintenance include, but are not limited to, system patching, hardware commissioning and decommissioning, and hardware and software upgrades. 

Monthly Maintenance Window 

Each monthly scheduled maintenance window typically takes place on the third Friday of each month at 10 PM MT – 4 AM MT. Clients will receive an email reminder one week in advance and when the maintenance window begins and completes. The maintenance notification is also posted to Notifications will include the following details regarding the monthly scheduled maintenance: date/time details, CallTower products affected by the maintenance event, a brief description of the work to be performed and a brief justification for the work to be performed. 

Scheduled monthly maintenance events may be followed by a more detailed notification of added features and functionality provided to CallTower customers as a result of the work performed during the maintenance event. 

Skype for Business Certificate Updates 

CallTower’s Skype for Business platform requires a weekly certificate upload to a server. This weekly update typically occurs Friday mornings at 12 AM MT. This process has no customer impact and services remain functional during the upload. 

CallTower Connect Updates 

CallTower developers provide system upgrades and patches to the CallTower Connect platform following the completion of a three-week sprint. These updates are typically completed on Tuesday evenings from 9 PM MT – 11 PM MT on three-week cycles. Clients will receive email notification 24 hours prior to the update and notification is posted within the CallTower Connect Portal and on CallTower services are not impacted during the Connect updates.  

Unscheduled Maintenance 

CallTower performs unscheduled maintenance on an as needed basis. Unscheduled maintenance is maintenance deemed too critical in nature to wait for the monthly scheduled maintenance cycle. Tasks performed during unscheduled maintenance include, but are not limited to, applying patches to fix critical function and security bugs and necessary hardware replacement. 

CallTower will always make every effort to perform the needed unscheduled maintenance outside of the hours of 5:00 AM to 11:00 PM MT. However, CallTower reserves the right to perform unscheduled maintenance at any time depending on the nature and urgency of the tasks to be performed. 

Customers will be notified via e-mail regarding unscheduled maintenance as soon as possible with as much advance notice as possible. In some cases, notification prior to work being performed may not be possible. Notifications will include the following details regarding the unscheduled maintenance: date/time details, CallTower products affected by the maintenance event, a brief description of the work to be performed and a brief justification for the work to be performed. 

CallTower Billing 

CallTower’s online BillCenter system provides customers with full-time web access to their billing statements and full billing detail. Customers are able to access their latest invoice via the web monthly by logging in to the BillCenter Portal, at For login credentials or questions related to accessing or using BillCenter, please contact the CallTower Billing Department at or (866) 586-4700 opt 4. 

In addition to e-bill, an email with a PDF of the invoice will be sent directly to a designated financial point of contact and/or the main point of contact on the 27th of each month.