Professional Voice Recordings.

Enhance your company image

Professional voice recordings (PVR) enable companies to enhance their image and build credibility with their customers. Check out the wide range of voice talent today! **Please get your script approved by CallTower’s Support team before submitting it.

Try it today

Snap Recordings

CallTower has partnered with Snap Recordings to offer over 100 professional, industry-leading voice talents to create your message. They offer a variety of packages and will help get your messages to go live within 3-5 business days with a 1-2 business day rush option available.

5 Reasons to use PVR:

  1. Establish instant credibility with your callers
  2. Create a positive customer experience, while informing, educating and motivating
  3. Promote and cross sell products and services
  4. Reduce abandoned calls and lost opportunities
  5. Reach a captive audience and build lasting relationships with your customers